Introductory blog

About Me

Hello everyone, my name is Diego and I will be working with the Sanford Museum this summer. I will be doing a more concentrated internship. The length of the internship will be from early June until mid to late July. Although it will be shorter than the average internship, I will be working very hard to get as much experience and learn as many skills as possible. I am a Cuban immigrant who has always been interested in general culture and how history has shaped it throughout different societies. I arrived to the United States in 2008 when I was 6 years old. Since then I have always been driven to better educate myself about society and its cultural makeup. This drive took me to history and ever since then I have been invested in learning it and using it for good. 

Research Interests 

When discussing the topic of research interests, I tend to lean more into studying industries that seem to not be influencing society as much as they lead on. Some examples of this can be the music industry and the sports industry. To the majority of society, these two industries are made for consumption and enjoyment but they also posses great power behind them that can alter a countries future. Ivorian soccer player Didier Drogba's speech on national television during the 2006 World cup qualifiers about ending the civil war in the Ivory coast is one of the clearest moments of soccer having political pull in society. These sort of moments are what prompted me to be interested in researching the history of these mass consumer industries, as they still have a lot of information to uncover. 

I also do like researching more "normal" things. I have always been interested in the unification of Germany and the impact the Berlin Conference had on industry and consumption rates in the 20th century. This topic interests me because the Berlin conference in one of the most influential events in history as it shifted the potential society by concentrating the necessary resources for societal growth to one main region.

The Sanford Museum offers me a different look into my research options as it is focuses on Sanford itself, a region I am not too educated about. This brings on a very fun challenge as I will be able to develop my knowledge of central Florida and understand how to more intense research. 

Internship Learning Goals

During my time at the Sanford Museum, I am looking forward to learning plenty of skills that will help me become an excellent museum worker. Understanding the day-to-day of museum work is something I am very excited to learn about. At the Sanford Museum it may be a bit different as it is a smaller museum but it is still something that can translate into other museums. I also look forward to working with the Past-Perfect software. I have heard that the software is essential to the museum world and will become more prominent as society further intertwined itself with technology. Lastly, I am looking forward to learning how to become a museum worker in general. I am passionate about the profession  but I am not at all experienced with the passion that is bred while working in the Museum itself. Understanding the passion while working is what I am most excited to learn from my internship as it will dictate what path I choose in the history world. 



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